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True King: A Spiritual Fairy Tale

Written and painted by Brigitte Grof
Translated by Stanislav Grof

The True King is a spiritual fairy tale and a love story for people on the inner path. It describes the adventures of a week and ineffective king who gets taken on a hero’s journey that transforms him into a wise, enlightened ruler who finally finds Love. The book is written in a clear, easily understandable style, which makes it interesting reading also for children who may not yet understand its deeper psychospiritual meaning.The story, accompanied by the author’s own dreamlike illustrations, takes the readers into inner realms of their hearts and souls.

Stanislav Grof M.D., author of "The Cosmic Game" and "When the Impossible happens"




Das Buch "Der wahre König" ist die Geschichte einer abenteuerlichen inneren Wandlungsreise, die die Leser mit ihren traumartigen Bildern in die eigenen Seelenräume führt und die Herzen verzaubert.



Brigitte Ashauer-Grof mit Delphin

“Glücklich sein ist nicht so
schlimm, wie man denkt.”

Brigitte Grof 2016


Brigitte Ashauer-Grof und Stanislav Grof

“What is, is more important
than what was not.”

Stan Grof 2016