Stanislav Grof is a psychiatrist with more than sixty years of experience in research of holotropic states of consciousness, a large and important subgroup of non-ordinary states that have healing, transformative, heuristic, and evolutionary potential. In the past, he was Principal Investigator in a psychedelic research program at the Psychiatric Research Institute in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Chief of Psychiatric Research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, and Scholar-in-Residence at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA. His website is: |
Brigitte Grof, Dipl.- Psych., is a psychologist, licensed psychotherapist, and artist with over 35 years of experience in holotropic breathwork and Holotropic States of Consciousness. In 1986 she was trained at the Esalen Institute in California and got certified in the first training groups in USA and Switzerland. From the beginning of the Grof training, she has been teaching training modules in USA, France, and in Germany (with Dr. Sylvester Walch) and was leading a 3-year holotropic breathwork training group with Dr. Ingo Jahrsetz in Germany. Since 2004 she developed and has been teaching her own method of individual therapy combining breathing and bodywork based on holotropic principles. Currently she works in her private practice in Wiesbaden, Germany, and offers holotropic breathwork workshops and retreats. |
Paul Grof is a Canadian research psychiatrist, clinician and administrator. Dr. Grof has been involved in transpersonal activities since 1962. As of 1990, he practiced and utilized holotropic breathwork with groups of meditators and psychiatric residents and with clients suffering from severe depressions and bipolar disorders. He published the relevant observations in the literature and a video.
Bernadette Blin is a Dipl. Clinical and Social Psychologist, a licensed psychotherapist in France. |
Javier Charme is a Teacher and Co-director of Formación Transpersonal Grof in South America since 2009. He is a Clinical Psychologist with a Transpersonal Orientation, in private practice. He has worked as a Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator since 1999. He was licensed in Psychology at Universidad Santo Tomas in Chile and later did his Master in East-West Psychology at the California Institute for Integral Studies, USA. He has facilitated thousands of participants in over 400 holotropic breathwork sessions around the world. He has training on different Eastern traditions, and has explored Holotropic states for almost 30 years. |
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Jay Dufrechou holds a doctoral degree in transpersonal psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now Sofia University) and has taught in the ITP/Sofia hybrid global doctoral program (combining web and seminars), including courses in transpersonal psychology, transpersonal research methods, research ethics, and, most recently, Psychedelics: Clinical and Transpersonal Applications. Jay’s dissertation research into experiences of grief, weeping and other deep emotions in response to nature received the 2002 Sidney Jourard Award of the Humanistic Division of the American Psychological Association and became his 2015 book, Moving through Grief, Reconnecting with Nature. Since the early 1990s, Jay has found Stan Grof’s work the most useful and comprehensive framework for personal and collective healing, transformation and evolution. Jay has supervised numerous dissertation projects, often for students relying on Grofian psychology or researching related topics. holotropic breathwork has been an important part of Jay’s personal and professional path since the mid-90s. He is a certified Holotropic Breathwork® facilitator through Grof Transpersonal Training and has been on breathwork facilitation teams in the US, UK, India and China. After growing up in New Orleans, and many years in California, Jay has lived in Montana since 1999, where he has trained horses, enjoyed nature, helped raise three children, and worked as attorney-mediator. |
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Alexandra Emelianenko graduated Rostov State Medical University in 1995, where she specialized in endocrinology. During many years she works together with her husband Vladimir sharing professional interests. She completed post-graduate education in psychology (2001) and clinical psychology (2002) which allowed her to work with clients with numerous addiction problems and neurosis first in the addiction treatment center and later in the South Russian Center of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychotherapy. In 2004 she completed her training in gestalt therapy, which enabled her to begin individual practice. Alexandra first met with holotropic breathwork in 2000 as a client and completed her own training in 2012 certified as a Holotropic Breathwork® practitioner. In 2013-2017 Alexandra together with her colleague and husband Vladimir Emelianenko was leading Russian GTT training. As a team member she took part in different holotropic workshops in Russia, China, Israel and Ukraine. She is fond of art, movies and books. For more than 15 years she was travelling to China exploring the world of Chinese culture and now she combines in her practice psychotherapeutic approach with Taoist principles and Chinese tea art. Holotropic work remains her main practice for inner work and together with Vladimir they are leading holotropic breathwork workshops in Russia on regular basis. |
Vladimir Emelianenko graduated from Rostov-on-Don Medical University in 1994, having specialized in psychiatry and psychotherapy. Beginning in 1994, he worked as a psychiatrist in the in-patient department of the intensive care of psychosis in Rostov Municipal Psychiatric Hospital. He participated in clinical and scientific research of serial killers and social aggression phenomenon. In 2000, he organized and led the South Russian Center of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychotherapy, where he started to use holotropic breathwork in psychotherapy, combined with 12-step programs and traditional Chinese qigong practice. Since 2001, Vladimir teaches Transpersonal psychology in the Southern Federal University (SFU) and takes part in scientific research projects on holotropic breathwork. In cooperation with his wife Alexandra and colleagues from Faculty of Psychology of Southern Federal University (SFU) Vladimir wrote handbook on Holotropic psychotherapy, which is now used in the study program for the students and postgraduates. |
Paula Guzmán Luvecce. Formación Transpersonal Grof Chile. |
Neil Hanon, is a psychiatrist in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada and is Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia (UBC). He is the Year 3 Director (the clinical year) of the Southern Medical Program of UBC. Dr. Hanon has been teaching medical students, Psychiatry residents, and Family Practice residents clinically and didactically since 1996. Dr. Hanon also does inpatient work at Kelowna General Hospital, and outpatient work at Outreach Urban Health (a primary care clinic where he works with homeless, street entrenched people often struggling with addictions and other mental health challenges), and at his private practise. In 2018 he was awarded the Clinical Faculty Award for excellence in clinical teaching by the Faculty of Medicine at UBC. |
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Diane Haug is a licensed therapist living in rural northern New Mexico. Her background includes a decade of working with adults and children dealing with life-threatening and terminal illness. Having completed the Grofs’ first three-year training, Diane has been involved with transpersonal psychology and holotropic breathwork since 1986. As a senior staff member with Grof Transpersonal Training, she has taught modules internationally (South America, Scandinavia, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Mexico and China) and in the United States. Diane has developed optional training modules for GTT including Shamanism: An Exploration of Traditional Wisdom; The Art of Integration; Living With Dying; The World Within: Jung’s Red Book(with Monika Wikman, Ph.D.); and The Psychedelic Experience: Promises and Perils. |
Milan Hrabánek is a psychiatrist and transpersonal psychotherapist with almost 30 years of field experience, researcher and university professor. He is the founder and head of the therapeutic team of the International Transpersonal Center Holos (, which helps people in life crisis situations, in spiritual emergency, and people with addictions. |
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Sungok Hwang majored M. A in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and currently is running the Korean Transpersonal Breathwork Center in Seoul. She was trained as a Transpersonal Breathwork facilitator by Dr. Ingo and Dr. Judith for several years. And she was a licensed practitioner in gambling addiction for many years. She is also a Professional in EUROTAS and a licensed psychotherapist in Korea. She had long devoted herself to practicing Zen Buddhism. |
Ingo Benjamin Jahrsetz is a psychotherapist. He was trained in psychoanalytic oriented psychotherapy, in systemic family therapy, systemic constellations, and in psychodrama. |
Dora Jardim is a clinical psychologist for over 39 years in private practice working with individual and group therapy, and with over 23 years of experience in holotropic breathwork and Holotropic States of Consciousness. She is Specialist in Applied Transpersonal Psychology, focused on the theory of Stanislav Grof, Lato Sensu Post-Graduation 2002, by the Centro de Educação e Psicoterapia with the seal of the Universidade Católica de Goiás, in Brazil. |
Álvaro Jardim is a clinical psychologist for over 45 years in private practice, working with individual and group therapy, and with over 25 years of experience in holotropic breathwork and Holotropic States of Consciousness. He was certified by Stanislav and Christina Grof in the Grof Transpersonal Training, in 1997, and since 1999 until March 2020, he led the Grof Transpersonal Training certification program in Brazil. |
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Myoungkwon Kim is a clinical psychologist, licensed psychotherapist, former professor in the department of psychology over 30 years, and Professional in EUROTAS. He was trained as a group counselor in a person-centered approach and psychodynamic orientation. Besides he was interested in Gestalt therapy and Process-Oriented Psychotherapy. He translated 20 books with his colleagues into Korean in areas of group counseling and transpersonal psychology. Recently he has translated holotropic breathwork, A Way of Psychonauts, and The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology (2013) into Korean. He also established the department of Transpersonal Psychotherapy in graduate school for the first time (2002) in Korea. |
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Stanislav Kudrle graduated from Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in 1970’s. He was trained in dynamic group psychotherapy in the 80´. Then he took part in Holotropic Breathwork® training by Stan and Christina Grof and was certified in 1992.As a psychiatrist and psychotherapist his field of profession was the treatment of addictions and the development of Addictology in Czech Republic As a therapist or supervisor, he worked gradually on all therapeutic levels including outpatient treatment, addicts’ detoxification, inpatient treatment, and aftercare. In 1990’s he created a therapeutic program for addicts at University hospital in Pilsen that was based on transpersonal psychology and holotropic breathwork techniques. He was leading and developing this program for 15 years. He taught at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University and at the Institute for postgraduate studies in Prague where he was giving further trainings and educational lectures to medical doctors. Since 2006, he worked for 11 years in private practice focusing on long term aftercare program for addicts which also contained holotropic breathwork. He was also co-organizing holotropic breathwork workshops in Germany and Switzerland in the past. In the years 2003-2006 he was trained in Integrated supervision organized by ČIS (Czech Institute for supervision). |
Viktoria Luchetti was trained and certified as a Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator by Dr. Stan Grof and his then wife Christina in 1988. Since then, she has led training seminars and workshops in North and South America, and in Europe, now with over 30 years experience. Since 2007, she has co-directed the holotropic breathwork Trainings in Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Peru. |
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Vladimir Maykov is a pioneer of transpersonal studies in Russia, President of Russian Association for Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy, and the Board member of the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS). He is senior research associate at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Chair of Transpersonal Psychology at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis. and founder of Transpersonal Project video archive, where he published for free over 500 transpersonal videos. He graduated in the Grof Transpersonal Training and obtained his certificate in 1993. Since then, he regularly offered many holotropic breathwork workshops, most of them with his wife Kristina. From 2006 to 2012, together with Kristina, he led Grof Transpersonal Training program in Russia. |
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Claudia Panìco is a clinical psychologist and licensed psychotherapist in Italy with more than 30 years of experience. |
Ole Ry is a Danish psychiatrist, who graduated from University of Copenhagen 1973 and specialized in psychiatry 1981. He graduated as a gestalt therapist from The Gestalt Institute of Scandinavia 1981. After a first encounter with Stan and Christina Grof and holotropic breathwork at Esalen in 1987, he became a facilitator in 1993. Since then he has conducted holotropic breathwork workshops internationally. He has been a member of the Grof Transpersonal Training staff on several training modules and events. |
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Michael Vančura studied clinical psychology at Charles University. Graduated in 1975. After 8 years of working at Czech psychiatric wards he became a cofounder of Day care center, DSS, for people diagnosed as psychotics. DSS was associated with the Psychiatric clinic of Prague. After this professional period he shifted his focus to prevention of hospitalization for people in crisis. The outcome of this idea was the co-founding of the crisis intervention center RIAPS in 1991, where he was a director for the first four years. There he experienced the usefulness and power of 24hours care for people in spiritual emergency. He finished his training in Holotropic Breathwork® being certified by Stan and Christina Grof in 1992. Afterwards he had the opportunity to assist for some time at Pocket range center, CA, led by Barbara Findaisen. Czech Republic |
Sylvester Walch has studied psychology, psychiatry, psychopathology and philosophy and is a clinical psychologist and licensed psychotherapist, with over 30 years of experience in holotropic breathwork and Holotropic States of consciousness. He got certified from Stanislav Grof in the first training groups in USA and Switzerland in the 80s. From the beginning of the Grof Training he was teaching training modules with Brigitte Grof. He founded and directed the curriculum for holotropic breathwork, Transpersonal Psychology and Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Many hundreds of therapists have been trained by him in more than 20 curricula. He contributed to the development of holotropic breathing in theory and practice. He is also a teaching therapist for Integrative Therapy and Integrative Gestalt Therapy as well as body-related psychotherapy and was the director of a psychotherapeutic hospital for many years. He has lectured at various universities and has written numerous scientific papers and books: The Whole Fullness of Your Life, From Ego to Self, Dimensions of the Human Soul as well as Subject and Reality. Sylvester Walch has a longstanding meditation practice and has developed a cross-cultural psycho-spiritual path, in which spiritual healing and spiritual practice are combined. He is also honorary chairman of the IHTP. |